The Saturday BLITZ is designed to give MGA members an opportunity to play competitive golf almost every other Saturday morning with preferred tee times from 8:30- 10:30 AM. At this time, we have been guaranteed Twenty-Four (24) spots, so when signing up for the events, please do so early to guarantee your spot in the Blitz.
All games are cash and most games will have net score payouts as well as Birdie Skins. (minimum of 12 players) Payouts will depend on participation. This is a great way to meet new members in the club or play with other members you haven’t played with in a while. Here are the details:
•You must be a member of the MGA.
•You must have an established handicap. See the Pro Shop if you do not have a handicap.
•Participation in the Blitz each week will count towards the Stonehenge Cup.
•See the schedule at the end of this section for dates and formats. We will also have a schedule of events and the rules posted in the Pro Shop and the Clubhouse for all to see.
•Sign up or call the Pro Shop by Wednesday morning at 8:30AM before the Saturday event. If you sign up late, you can be added to a waiting list but can ONLY play if someone cancels. NO EXCEPTIONS.
•Tee times will be assigned by the Pro Shop from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM. This is not a shotgun start.
•The entry fee is $10. This will be used as prize money for that day’s Blitz (the amount of payout will vary according to participation) and towards the MGA Cup. Winners will be determined through Golf Genuis.
•All scores MUST be entered into the GHIN handicap system.
•Golf carts are not required for Blitz events.
•All score cards are to be turned into the Pro shop at the end of the round; winning scores will be tabulated and prizes will be awarded based on the day’s game.
Local Rules for ALL Blitz events will allow rolling in Fairways Only, No playing from Rocks, Roots or areas that should be marked as "Ground Under Repair". If there is a risk of damaging a club or a person the ball should be allowed a free drop to closest point of relief, no closer to the hole..
Tee Assignments will be based on your most current Handicap "Index" as follows;
All who can, play BLUE Tees
All ages 18-49 play WHITE Tees
All ages 50-59 play GREEN Tees
All ages 60-? play GOLD Tees
The committee has worked very hard in this endeavor and we are very excited about the BLITZ! We hope you will take advantage of this great opportunity to be an active participant in the MGA and help support the MGA at the club. We all look forward to seeing you Saturday mornings.